
Step 2 - Activate Account

Step 2 - Activate Account

Account Created

1. Account Created
Should all Registration Information be correct and the user Left Click on the Create User Button the Account Created message will be displayed. An email will be sent to the Email Address that was supplied.

Account Activation

2. Account Activation
Once the User Account has been created the system will send and email to the Guardian which will request the Guardian to Activate the Account . The Email format will be as follow:
An account was set up on the Edupac Enterprise Edition Web site with the following:
To activate your account, please click on the following link:
To reset your password, you must answer the following question:
Password Question: CCCCCCC
Password Answer: CCCCCCCC
Thank you for creating an account with our Web site.
The user Activates the User Account by Left Clicking on Activate Now.
The following message will be displayed indicating that the email has been verified:


3. Login
To Return to the Login Page, Left Click the Login Button. The Guardian Login Page will be displayed.
The user now logs onto the Portal by entering the Username and Password the that was used during the registration process.
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